Mercedes-Benz Uptime
Care-free Driving

Mercedes-Benz Uptime

Intelligent networking. For even more efficient vehicle use.

Your trucks only earn you money when they are actually driving. With intelligent networking, Mercedes-Benz Uptime increases vehicle availability, continuously diagnoses the status of the vehicle and the coupled trailer, whilst also providing specific recommendations for action. In this way, unplanned workshop visits become plannable and downtime can be minimised.

Mercedes-Benz Uptime's intelligent networking of the vehicle, Mercedes-Benz Service and your haulage company defines new standards. The result: significantly improved plannability of workshop visits and higher vehicle availability.

With Mercedes-Benz Uptime we are pursuing a clear objective: to permanently minimise unscheduled vehicle downtimes and to make repairs predictable – thereby further increasing your vehicle availability.

  • Constant communication from all the connected on-board systems generates several gigabytes of data per truck per day, which can be used for a range of vehicle diagnostic functions. The majority of diagnostic processes are already automatically and remotely monitored by Mercedes-Benz Uptime. This means that the cause of the fault is already known by the workshop before your vehicle arrives there.
  • After the data has been received from the truck, Mercedes-Benz Uptime automatically provides the dealer with action recommendations for the workshop within an average of 240 seconds.
  • For example, at the over 1500 Mercedes-Benz retail outlets across Europe who are certified for Mercedes-Benz Uptime, this shortens the diagnosis time for the initial test in the workshop by a factor of up to three.
  • With the majority of Mercedes-Benz Uptime vehicles, unscheduled workshop visits have already been reduced by over half thanks to early fault detection.

All other Mercedes-Benz service contracts can also be combined with Mercedes-Benz Uptime. The ideal combination of intelligent vehicle connectivity and Mercedes-Benz service contract means that you benefit twice over.